Monday, May 25, 2015

Friends of God - Daily Vacation Bible School 2015

School break here in the Philippines is almost over.  It is our great opportunity to teach free summer classes for children during this time. To be honest, this kind of ministry is one of the hardest event to manage because this would  mean raising budget and searching for volunteers who are willing be a part of this huge work.  To make this Daily Vacation Bible School possible, the church had to work hand in hand using every gifts we have.  This is our second series of DVBS wherein we personally made everything from the lessons, poster, visuals, manuals and activities so as every little details necessary for the whole program.  This way, we were able to cut on budget and having everyone support the work by having them use their God given gifts and talents; as this is what the church is suppose to be - have their gifts complement with one another so that the work of God will flourish.

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The Character and Conduct of an Effective Pastor

CHRIST STEWARDS FELLOWSHIP Libjo Central, Batangas City March 9, 2025 π‘Ίπ’†π’“π’Žπ’π’: The Character and Conduct of an Effective Pastor 𝑻𝒆𝒙...

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