Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Medical Mission 2013

John 13:34-35

New King James Version (NKJV)

"34 A new commandment I give to you, 
that you love one another; as I have loved you, 
that you also love one another. 
  35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, 
if you have love for one another.”

I was excited hearing the opportunity that our church will hold another Medical Mission.  This is the third Medical Mission of Christ Stewards Fellowship.  Pastor Celso got to meet Dr. Joy Tica of Hemmi Medical Mission in California last July.  After coming back from the US, Pastor Celso nor the church had any plans of having a medical mission for this year.  What we initially planned was a huge Evangelistic Gathering here in the city.  This September, God moved us to contact Hemmi Medical Mission as we thought that it would be better to spend money for medical mission a greater need for now; rather than the crusade that would also cost huge amount of money. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Fruitful Trip

I am thankful for every opportunity that God is giving me.  Last month, I was once again given a wonderful privileges to go to the USA again.  This trip was even more fruitful from the previous trips I had before.  I left the Philippines June 26, 2013 and safely arrived in time at LAX.

Lindongan Family
Youth Joint Fellowship

I am very pleased with  the Lindongan Family's accommodation while I am in Los Angeles, CA.  Grace International Baptist Church, their home church and International Bible Baptist Church, Bro Jonathan Tica's mission church held a youth joint fellowship last June 28 and I was privilege to share them the Word of God for this said gathering.  
Above photo: Ptr. Mike Berry's Family Bottom Left Photo: With Jason Nguyen

It is also an opportunity to have a scheduled trip to Riverside, California.  I appreciate Ptr Mike Berry and his family's hospitality.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Vacation Bible School 2013

I have never been as excited as this with the though that Vacation Bible School is going to start.  What makes our VBS unique this year is that we are going to use the lessons that I author for the whole week of classes.  Our lesson theme is "Ang Diyos na Lumikha sa Akin, Ako ay Espesyal na Nilikha Niya".  We are also giving free copies of this lessons just send email requests to mommyhanny.me@gmail.com.  Head on this post to know about the full details on this free material.

 We were able to held DVBS Classes in Pallocan West, Barangay 21 and Barangay 24.  Though there are areas we failed to reach because of conflicts, still we are thankful that God uses us in this ministry. It is a huge privilege to be able to serve in Lord's work and be a blessing to others. I praise the Lord for the lives of church youths who willingly volunteered for this church activity. With their help, working together in unity and collaboration, all the necessary preparations were accomplished faster and easily .

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Celebrating the Faithfulness of a Risen Lord

Christ Stewards Fellowship is now on its eight year.  And indeed it is through His faithfulness that we are still here.  We have come through a lot of difficulties from previous months but those things shouldn't hinder us to continue and serve the Lord.  When I will look on to God I always see his provision and goodness - He is with us and will always be with us as we walk according to His will.  My heart for this church is that all of us will grow more in Christ and take the step of obedience of becoming to be a good steward of God's manifold grace.  I want that our church will be a blessing to people that we get to mingle each and everyday.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Taking the Moment to Walk with Wisdom

My topic comes from Colossians 4:2-6

We have read in verses 3-4, Apostle Paul had settled in his mind the cause of evangelism. In verses 5-6, This is the calling to win the outsiders or those outside the fellowship. To clarify verses 3-4, praying for the spread of the Gospel is a necessity and this is every Christian's business. We as ordinary group of disciples will join our hearts together so the gospel will advance and spread out.

Two things to prepare for the advancement of the Gospel:

First, the way for the Word. verse 3, ".. that God may open up to us a door for the Word." In other sense, we are praying that the Lord will create a situation where the gospel could be heard in response to our prayers. This help will come from among the believers who are with the pastor or with the teacher. We are pleading for prayers.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Boy meets girl

I am burdened to see a lot of youths now a days with low biblical standards about love, courtship and marriage.  One main reason is that this topic is not discussed in their own homes. In my own assessment, the pattern our young people chose to follow when it comes to a boy and girl relationships are the examples set by popular artists and the role they portray on their TV series.

Most youths are tempted to be on a relationship even at their very young age, because all of their friends does and what would be the reason to why not give it a try?  Having their own girlfriend or boyfriend somewhat gives them a sense of belonging and importance.  If not guided with their desires, then our youth can lead to wrong decisions they could regret for the rest of their lives.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

An evening of praise and worship

I will praise the name of God with a song, 
and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30

God has always been faithful and will still be faithful to the very end. From day to day we have so many reasons to be thankful to our creator. Now we are facing the upcoming year, let us again expect on the best things God has prepared for us.

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Essential Doctrine of the Church

CHRIST STEWARDS FELLOWSHIP Libjo Central, Batangas City February 16, 2025 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒏: Essential Doctrine of the Church 𝑻𝒆𝒙𝒕: 1 Corinth...

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