Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Taking the Moment to Walk with Wisdom

My topic comes from Colossians 4:2-6

We have read in verses 3-4, Apostle Paul had settled in his mind the cause of evangelism. In verses 5-6, This is the calling to win the outsiders or those outside the fellowship. To clarify verses 3-4, praying for the spread of the Gospel is a necessity and this is every Christian's business. We as ordinary group of disciples will join our hearts together so the gospel will advance and spread out.

Two things to prepare for the advancement of the Gospel:

First, the way for the Word. verse 3, ".. that God may open up to us a door for the Word." In other sense, we are praying that the Lord will create a situation where the gospel could be heard in response to our prayers. This help will come from among the believers who are with the pastor or with the teacher. We are pleading for prayers.

Second, the other one is for boldness and clearness of the message. verse 4, "... that I make it clear in the way I ought to speak." This time, it is something within Paul.  Pray that the Holy spirit will give us courage and clear in the way we deliver the message especially if it is in other dialects. Pray that is the same as powerful, open and transparent for those who will hear the message.

From our text it says in verse 4, "...Conduct ourselves with wisdom toward outsiders."

1. Winning those outside of the fellowship.

Wisdom is application of what we learned. It is what we use to reach our goals. How to conduct or to walk with wisdom toward those who are outside our church. The aim is to win them. Proverbs 11:30, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he who is wise wins souls." Our goal is no longer earthly but heavenly, to win these people who reject God and His Word.
Daniel 12:3 says, "Those who have insight (or wise) will shine brightly... like the stars forever and ever." So to conduct ourselves with wisdom is o win and lead people to Christ.

2. Recognizing that Christ is the source of wisdom.

We may be asking when and how could we conduct ourselves as wise people to the outsiders in order to win them for Christ. The answer is in Colossians 3:16, "Let the Word of Christ dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another."
Wisdom comes from allowing Christ and His Word to dwell in us. None of us is spiritually wise by nature. Only through Him we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

In Colossians 4:3,4 as I continue to meditate these words, Apostle Paul is asking for Christians to pray for an open door or a way for God's Word to be shared or preached. Then in verse 4, he said we need to walk in wisdom, meaning to conduct ourselves with grace and understanding to those who are outside the truth. This is to pray that the power of God would manifest in our lives as well.

In some countries, the believers knew how important it is to have an open door for the Gospel. In Filipino families which predominantly Catholic, we knew how significant it is for a father or a mother and the whole to be opened for the Word. I have been persecuted for following Christ and for sharing the Gospel in my country. So we need your prayers for courage and for clarity as well for the Word to be shared to the outsiders or outside our faith. Let me close this with prayers.

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