Monday, October 22, 2018

Mt. Maculot

"I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come? 
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth."- Psalm 121:1-2

Today, I have one unforgettable moment climbing up to one of the most popular mountains in the Philippines for hikers - the Mount Maculot in Cuenca, Batangas. The last time I went up to this mountain was 15 years ago with my former fiance' now my wife Hanny, together with some friends. This time the mountain hiking is not for us but for the next generation- our youth that we will lead on top of this hump as part of our youth program for our upcoming camp this Christmas vacation. I have to be honest, it is not the same compare to 15 years ago's feeling and energy but it is worth the climb. I found out amazing facts with this mountain climbing that we can compare to our life experience. 

As the hikers need a guide to conquer a mountain, we also need a mentor to go up where we want to be. Without the help of Mamay Gitoy, we cannot reach the mountain and eat at his lomi house on top of Mount Maculot. You read it right- a lomi house at the mountain top. That makes this lomi noodles so special. Thanks to the guys that help us succeed for without them we cannot reach our destination.

We always heard from those who "have been there, done that" that they never really enjoy their success for they are all alone "up there". Why don't you bring others with you? It is worth the climb and you can share your lives with them. You will also discover that you have not reach the top alone. Others brought you there- your coach, your colleagues or maybe angels. So cheer up and enjoy the ride.

When I was looking up to this mount from the campsite, it seems like insurmountable and high that I ever wonder if I can reach the top again. But you know what happened when we reached the peak, the retreat house where I am at before is so little that I hardly saw it from the top view. It is the same when we look at our problems from God's perspective, it will be small and conceivable when we operate it with divine guidance and help. Whenever you face insurmountable odds, see it through God's eyes so it will be solved and things work out His ways. Until next time...

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Three Lessons when you look at a Bamboo plant

But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”- James 4:6

Every time I visited my parents in my hometown, I normally go out to our back yard to walk down to the river. I notice this bamboo tree and look at it in different perspectives. So I walk along this one and try to get a lot of lessons from this bamboo tree.
Do you know that before the bamboo tree breaks through the ground it will take around 5 years. But when it comes out, it will grow up to 90 feet tall in 6 weeks. Number 1 lesson: YOU NEED TO PRAY AND WAIT FOR YOUR VISION TO SHOW UP. You have to water or "feed" your dream and wait for the right moment. Because success does not come right away.
Many times when we are in the "barrio", the young bamboo tree (we called it "labong") is harvested by the villagers for it is edible or can be eaten. It provides food and when it grows, its branch can be used to build an entire Nipa Hut (kubo). Even furniture can be made out of the bamboo tree and several other things useful you can create out of this unique tropical plant-tree. Lesson number 2: DO NOT LOOK ON THE OUTSIDE, LOOK AT THE INSIDE. The size of the needs does not matter; what truly matters is the size of you. We always heard, do not look at the outside appearance, look at the heart. Some people judge us on how we look, but they never truly know us until we speak and act our dream. And the next lesson is...
Did I say that the bamboo tree can grow up to 90 feet long? When the wind blows, it has the ability to stoop down so that its trunk would not break. Number 3 lesson and certainly not the least: THE LESSON OF HUMBLENESS. One of the most impressive things about the bamboo is how it sways with the breeze. This gentle swaying movement is a symbol of humility. The foundation of the bamboo is solid, yet it moves and sways harmoniously with the wind, never fighting against it. They bent but don' t break. It means it is strong but flexible. The bamboo tree is resilient! Even you hit hard by life, be strong and resilient just like the bamboo tree.
So every time you see this tropical plant- tree, remember its 3 lessons. Until next time. -CCN

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Fulfilling The Great Commission

One of our vision is to plant new churches in different areas not only in Batangas province but the whole country and beyond as God leads us.  We are grateful to have men and women who desires to learn and serve the Lord according to the gifts God has given them.

It is also a blessing to meet new friends and organizations that partners with us to provide the necessary training for church planting work.  Last month our young leaders participated in training the next generation for forming a new church. Our specific goal is to plant eight more churches by 2020 to add to our 2 existing congregations namely CSF Batangas City and CSF San Pascual, Batangas. It is only by His grace to be able to fulfill the great commission and the best way is none other than planting more churches.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Little Stewards Club

One of the ministry where our church started is the ministry with the children. And now, we are blessed to have teacher volunteers who had the same passion of reaching children and teaching them about the love of God.  Children are part of the church and this group should be considered a mission group for they too have spiritual needs to know about the  Gospel.

Having an opportunity to be a recipient of materials and resources for children through other organization is a big help for us.

Last June 9, 2018 we distributed Samaritan Purse shoe boxes to selected children because of the limited number of gifts allotted to our church.  Though not all were given with God's wisdom the teachers were able to manage the gift distribution in their areas. Our active communities with continuous training center for children are: Pallocan West, Bry. Cuta, Brgy 21& 24, Dumantay, Alangilan, Brgy. Sambat in San Pascual hosted by our daughter church and the newly opened center in is Libjo Central Batangas City.

Another opportunity for the development of our Children's Ministry was the training conducted in Pasay - Grace from Heaven Christian Church.  Missions team from Grace Community Church came to teach the Generations of Grace. Our church was blessed to also have a free copy of the children's material.  This is the current series in the Little Stewards Club classes.

July 14, 2018 Generations of Grace Seminar - Pasay City

We urge you to support us in this ministry as how God is touching your heart.  This coming December, we are planning to reach the parents of the children by blessing their families with Christmas Gift.  

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