Saturday, October 6, 2018

Three Lessons when you look at a Bamboo plant

But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”- James 4:6

Every time I visited my parents in my hometown, I normally go out to our back yard to walk down to the river. I notice this bamboo tree and look at it in different perspectives. So I walk along this one and try to get a lot of lessons from this bamboo tree.
Do you know that before the bamboo tree breaks through the ground it will take around 5 years. But when it comes out, it will grow up to 90 feet tall in 6 weeks. Number 1 lesson: YOU NEED TO PRAY AND WAIT FOR YOUR VISION TO SHOW UP. You have to water or "feed" your dream and wait for the right moment. Because success does not come right away.
Many times when we are in the "barrio", the young bamboo tree (we called it "labong") is harvested by the villagers for it is edible or can be eaten. It provides food and when it grows, its branch can be used to build an entire Nipa Hut (kubo). Even furniture can be made out of the bamboo tree and several other things useful you can create out of this unique tropical plant-tree. Lesson number 2: DO NOT LOOK ON THE OUTSIDE, LOOK AT THE INSIDE. The size of the needs does not matter; what truly matters is the size of you. We always heard, do not look at the outside appearance, look at the heart. Some people judge us on how we look, but they never truly know us until we speak and act our dream. And the next lesson is...
Did I say that the bamboo tree can grow up to 90 feet long? When the wind blows, it has the ability to stoop down so that its trunk would not break. Number 3 lesson and certainly not the least: THE LESSON OF HUMBLENESS. One of the most impressive things about the bamboo is how it sways with the breeze. This gentle swaying movement is a symbol of humility. The foundation of the bamboo is solid, yet it moves and sways harmoniously with the wind, never fighting against it. They bent but don' t break. It means it is strong but flexible. The bamboo tree is resilient! Even you hit hard by life, be strong and resilient just like the bamboo tree.
So every time you see this tropical plant- tree, remember its 3 lessons. Until next time. -CCN

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