Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Having a beautiful feet

I consider my feet to be one part of my body that I cannot be proud of. The soles of my feet are hard that during cold weather they crack and it hurts, my toes nails are affected with fungus that makes them very brittle. I find it helpful applying lotions and taking vitamin E everyday, they minimize the problem. I found it also helpful to have spa treatment but I couldn’t afford maintaining it weekly. Foot spa can be done at home, but I don’t have extra time to personally care and maintain a beautiful feet.

Let's just say I am one of those persons who are frustrated on how to have a beautiful feet. During my Bible study, I came across reading Isaiah 52:7-8 (NIV) it says:

How beautiful on the mountain 
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!” Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices;
together they shout for joy.
When the Lord returns to Zion,
they will see it with their own eyes.

This was not my first encounter of reading this part of Scripture but it reminded me once again that God does not look at the outside appearance. His standards differ on the standards that men have set. Yes it is good to desire a feet crack free, soft soles with healthy nails. But it is better to desire a beautiful feet that the Bible describes.

From the time of the apostles 'till this day the good news is proclaimed and brought by the feet of those who have answered God's call. These are one of the reasons why churches and mission organizations started. The same calling that God has placed in our hearts.

I admit it is not easy doing the work, but with God every task is accomplished. As God uses us as an instrument to proclaim the message of Salvation, He draws the people He chose to be his own and follow him. I praise the Lord for the lives of who decided to follow the Lord and was baptized last November 18, 2012.

Join us in praying for them as they grow in their faith and seek on how God will mightily use them in his kingdom. I was blessed hearing their life changing testimonies on how God dealt with them and how God is continually changing them from glory to glory.

We are also ministering to a special community - families living around the port area. Batangas City port is few meters away from the market place (where the church is situated). We noticed the most of their children were staying in the market and are not going to school. A child who grew up in the streets would probably grow up with poor moral standards. Their parents didn't know anything about the Bible, only they would care is to earn money just to make it through the day.

As God had placed the burdens in our hearts to share them the Good News, we are also blessed that God is also sending people to be of help with us in doing the work. There is a sister who loves the Lord and winning souls for Christ have seen the need that most of these children needs a new pair of flip flops. We praise God for blessing her and her generosity to reach out to these children. She would always support our regular feeding program and now she voluntarily bought every children a new pair of flip flops.

We continually pray that God will save more souls as we bring the good news. And those who hear would rejoice, and they that rejoice will see His greatness and will also proclaim the Good News!

Desiring a totally beautiful feet,

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