Monday, August 8, 2016

Faith and Provision

Having four little children while serving in the church ministry is a huge a work for us as couple.  We have to balance our time for the family and at same time fulfill our work as a ministers of Christ.  Just to share, whenever our church will held special events and services it is also a time where most of our children will get sick.  We don't let this situation hinder us in doing the ministry that is already set. This is not easy but the enemy can't take this opportunity for us not to share the Good News.

This scenario is what exactly happened during our preparation for our Special Children's Feeding and Gift Giving last July 12, 2016. We were asked to prepare a program for a Children's Party. This is our opportunity to bless those less privileged families by treating them in a restaurant. The children are also receiving special gifts. This event was made possible because of the generous hearts of our sponsors Brgy. Capt. Jeff and Nikki Berberabe in coordination with Sis. Leona Villareal of Arms of Love Foundation.  

I know that it is just the devil trying to stop us.  I needed to stay in the house to take care of my children who all suffered viral gastroenteritis.  Husband and I had a sleepless night before the event.  All through the night the kids were vomiting all were restless and tired.    I thank God for having great co-ministers who are all ready to serve.  I may not be with them but I am sure they can share the Good News because they have the power of the Holy Spirit.  

We wanted to strengthen our care groups in every Barangay.  Some of our church members have opened their homes to cater our care groups.  Pray with us that each members of these care groups will grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord.  We also want to open new care groups in new areas and develop new care group leaders too!

VESSEL OF GRACE - Pallocan West, Batangas City
Every Wednesday  

LEAN ON FAITH - Dumantay Batangas City
Every Thursday

MAIN VINE - P. Genato St., Batangas City
Every Friday

 AMAZING LILIES - San Pascual, Batangas




Currently, as our church grows we are facing major decisions about the church relocation for expansion. We are praying for God's wisdom and direction to exactly follow His will for this transition that our church is about to face.

Last year we have been praying for our church lot.  We have done every means to raise funds to be able to buy a lot.  Our result is not enough but God is faithful to meet the need that we were able to claim the land that we have prayed for.   Read the full story here.  

Now our task is to build the place of worship for the congregation.  We are now experiencing difficulties and strange situations in our current location where our family is also staying. We knew that these situations are God's ways that leads us to move forward in God's promised land. We are earnestly praying for the provision to do this task of church relocation and at same time look for our family's own house to stay too.  We plead your support to pray for us.  I know that if God was able to give us the land, he will also provide us the finances we needed to build his temple. We are looking forward to setting our foot on God's promised land that he already gave to us.  Again thank you for partnering with us in any way you can.  God will surely bless you!


His Steward,
Sis. Hanny

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