Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fight for your Faith

Christian life is not always easy for it is not guarantee of having a life without problems and troubles. But what make a a Christian different is how he/she can face these life's difficulties in a positive way knowing that God is with him/her no matter how difficult life is.  God's words are full of promises to hold on that will help a Christian fight a good fight of faith.  It is a life of full dependence on God to win every battle.

Proposed Church Building Design

Our church had been praying for our church lot and building for ten years now.  It is our joy that little by little the prayer for the reality of this place of worship is now in our finger tips. It is estimated that this building project will cost P4,000,000 (four million pesos).  Now, we are trying to raise this fund to start the construction.  Pray with us to see God's leading for opportunities and ways for this project to start.  We started experiencing attacks from the enemy to hinder this process; the same difficulties Nehemiah encountered during the Israel's rebuilding of the wall.  To see the projected area where we want to establish the church building, you may click on this separate post. If the Lord touched your heart to support us, please do not hesitate to e-mail us telling us any support you'd like to extend to our church.  We will be praising God for any help you'll offer.

Along our service as a church is to have partnership with government's program for the drug offenders who surrendered to help them recover and mend their broken lives to be re-united with their families and become a better individual in their own community.

Youth Fellowship

Visit the link see more fun stuffs in our youth fellowship.  

It was also our privilege to be with other believers in a continuous praise and worship event joined by more than 40 churches here in Batangas City. "Let His Praise Resound 2016"

Children's Fellowship

Children's Fellowship - September 25, 2016
Our daughter just celebrated her seventh birthday last September 22, 2016. In every special occasions as this, we rather have a party with the less fortunate children. For every child, they are looking forward on having a special party during their 7th Birthday. Our little girl is as always excited to celebrate her birthday. Since the first day of September her countdown begins. I don't have any assurance to her that we will have a big party for her since the budget is tight. Another problem came that our business was paralyzed when I don't have a baker. I was a huge disaster that hurt our finances even more. Yet even in that situation I was thankful to have co-church mates who are supportive to arrange our Children's Fellowship at the same time celebrate Eu-La's birthday party. This made our little girl fulfilled and happy.

Now we are currently working on a seminar that focuses on businessmen and professionals.  Pray with us for this event to be successful.  We are to reach this group of people too and lead them to Christ. We are glad to have partnerships with other people for this ministry to move forward.

If you have missed our August report here's the  link: Best Day Ever

May God's abounding love and grace fill your lives everyday that will keep you stronger in your faith.

Fighting for God's Cause,

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