Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fight for your Faith

Christian life is not always easy for it is not guarantee of having a life without problems and troubles. But what make a a Christian different is how he/she can face these life's difficulties in a positive way knowing that God is with him/her no matter how difficult life is.  God's words are full of promises to hold on that will help a Christian fight a good fight of faith.  It is a life of full dependence on God to win every battle.

Proposed Church Building Design

Our church had been praying for our church lot and building for ten years now.  It is our joy that little by little the prayer for the reality of this place of worship is now in our finger tips. It is estimated that this building project will cost P4,000,000 (four million pesos).  Now, we are trying to raise this fund to start the construction.  Pray with us to see God's leading for opportunities and ways for this project to start.  We started experiencing attacks from the enemy to hinder this process; the same difficulties Nehemiah encountered during the Israel's rebuilding of the wall.  To see the projected area where we want to establish the church building, you may click on this separate post. If the Lord touched your heart to support us, please do not hesitate to e-mail us telling us any support you'd like to extend to our church.  We will be praising God for any help you'll offer.

Along our service as a church is to have partnership with government's program for the drug offenders who surrendered to help them recover and mend their broken lives to be re-united with their families and become a better individual in their own community.

Youth Fellowship

Visit the link see more fun stuffs in our youth fellowship.  

It was also our privilege to be with other believers in a continuous praise and worship event joined by more than 40 churches here in Batangas City. "Let His Praise Resound 2016"

Children's Fellowship

Children's Fellowship - September 25, 2016
Our daughter just celebrated her seventh birthday last September 22, 2016. In every special occasions as this, we rather have a party with the less fortunate children. For every child, they are looking forward on having a special party during their 7th Birthday. Our little girl is as always excited to celebrate her birthday. Since the first day of September her countdown begins. I don't have any assurance to her that we will have a big party for her since the budget is tight. Another problem came that our business was paralyzed when I don't have a baker. I was a huge disaster that hurt our finances even more. Yet even in that situation I was thankful to have co-church mates who are supportive to arrange our Children's Fellowship at the same time celebrate Eu-La's birthday party. This made our little girl fulfilled and happy.

Now we are currently working on a seminar that focuses on businessmen and professionals.  Pray with us for this event to be successful.  We are to reach this group of people too and lead them to Christ. We are glad to have partnerships with other people for this ministry to move forward.

If you have missed our August report here's the  link: Best Day Ever

May God's abounding love and grace fill your lives everyday that will keep you stronger in your faith.

Fighting for God's Cause,

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Best Day Ever

For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand outside. I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God Than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Psalm 84:10 (NASB)

The best day of my life started my I fully came to understand of God' love and grace in my life. Whenever I celebrate my birthday I will always thank the Lord and remember his unconditional love and faithfulness in my life.  There's be no better place I'd rather be than to be with the Lord and serve Him.

Thank you for our church members who have always been there to pray and support our family that helped us through and kept us from serving.  It is tough to have four young kids.  It is because of you why we as couple can go out and spend some time as husband and wife.  

I was so delighted to see this photo posted on Facebook by Sis. Aida Quitain.  This was taken at their house during one of their Bible Study meeting.  Every Wednesday we are having regular Bible Studies hosted in their residence and they also gather children in a separate room for their own Bible Stories we call the group "Vessel of Grace Care Group".  I remembered the time where I got to teach Sis. Aida's children and some more kids from the neighborhood few years ago.  Seeing this was some part of fulfillment and proof that the kids I used to teach before were now our teachers and part of the church servants too! 

Our youth leaders group gets more aggressive to lead and influence their fellow youths.  Each of them are now responsible for organizing the Service Program. 

 Aside from their regular Youth Service Every First Sunday of the month, They decided to have another Outdoor Youth Gathering in San Pascual, Batangas where our daughter church situated.

 As always, our Children's Fellowship are enjoyable for little kids also.

You may visit the link to see a quick recap of this month's Children's Fellowship:

We thank you for your continued support in our ministry.  Join with us in praying that our Church Leaders will keep on growing in Christ and faithful stewards of God's gifts as they serve and lead other people to Christ.

In Christ, 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Faith and Provision

Having four little children while serving in the church ministry is a huge a work for us as couple.  We have to balance our time for the family and at same time fulfill our work as a ministers of Christ.  Just to share, whenever our church will held special events and services it is also a time where most of our children will get sick.  We don't let this situation hinder us in doing the ministry that is already set. This is not easy but the enemy can't take this opportunity for us not to share the Good News.

This scenario is what exactly happened during our preparation for our Special Children's Feeding and Gift Giving last July 12, 2016. We were asked to prepare a program for a Children's Party. This is our opportunity to bless those less privileged families by treating them in a restaurant. The children are also receiving special gifts. This event was made possible because of the generous hearts of our sponsors Brgy. Capt. Jeff and Nikki Berberabe in coordination with Sis. Leona Villareal of Arms of Love Foundation.  

I know that it is just the devil trying to stop us.  I needed to stay in the house to take care of my children who all suffered viral gastroenteritis.  Husband and I had a sleepless night before the event.  All through the night the kids were vomiting all were restless and tired.    I thank God for having great co-ministers who are all ready to serve.  I may not be with them but I am sure they can share the Good News because they have the power of the Holy Spirit.  

We wanted to strengthen our care groups in every Barangay.  Some of our church members have opened their homes to cater our care groups.  Pray with us that each members of these care groups will grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord.  We also want to open new care groups in new areas and develop new care group leaders too!

VESSEL OF GRACE - Pallocan West, Batangas City
Every Wednesday  

LEAN ON FAITH - Dumantay Batangas City
Every Thursday

MAIN VINE - P. Genato St., Batangas City
Every Friday

 AMAZING LILIES - San Pascual, Batangas




Currently, as our church grows we are facing major decisions about the church relocation for expansion. We are praying for God's wisdom and direction to exactly follow His will for this transition that our church is about to face.

Last year we have been praying for our church lot.  We have done every means to raise funds to be able to buy a lot.  Our result is not enough but God is faithful to meet the need that we were able to claim the land that we have prayed for.   Read the full story here.  

Now our task is to build the place of worship for the congregation.  We are now experiencing difficulties and strange situations in our current location where our family is also staying. We knew that these situations are God's ways that leads us to move forward in God's promised land. We are earnestly praying for the provision to do this task of church relocation and at same time look for our family's own house to stay too.  We plead your support to pray for us.  I know that if God was able to give us the land, he will also provide us the finances we needed to build his temple. We are looking forward to setting our foot on God's promised land that he already gave to us.  Again thank you for partnering with us in any way you can.  God will surely bless you!


His Steward,
Sis. Hanny

Thursday, June 30, 2016

How Great is our Father' Love

And from far away the Lord appeared to his people and said, “I love you people with a love that will last forever [eternal love]. That is why I have continued showing you ·kindness [loyalty].

Jeremiah 31:3 (EXB)

This month, the world remembers and honors every father.  We as a church are thankful for having fathers who partner with us in this ministry.  We are also burdened to encourage other fathers to put their trust in our one faithful heavenly Father a reason why this church exists.  We admit that we needed a greater effort to reach out for fathers to let them understand the deepness of the love of the Father.  A believer know that there's a huge difference once the leader of the family experiences the love of God.  Pray with us that we may effectively influence them and help these men grow on knowing the Lord.   

June - Youth Fellowship

Father's Day Celebration - CSF San Pascual

Celebration Sunday

 Children Fellowship - Father's Day Celebration

It is our joy to see that our children and youth fellowship are growing numerically and praying that their spiritual lives grow also.  Our youth leaders become more responsible handling every program for these fellowship.  At times it is a challenge to handle the children's fellowship but because of the love of the Father; this keeps us move on and keep on doing the work.

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
1 John 3:1

Our prayer for you is that may you experience the deepness of the love of God each and everyday of your life. As it fills your life you'll be able to share this love to someone in need.

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The Character and Conduct of an Effective Pastor

CHRIST STEWARDS FELLOWSHIP Libjo Central, Batangas City March 9, 2025 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒏: The Character and Conduct of an Effective Pastor 𝑻𝒆𝒙...

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