Libjo Cental, Batangas City
December 4, 2022
Speaker: Rev. Celso C. Namuco
Isaiah 17:4
Apostasy, from the Greek word apostasia, means “a defiance of an established system or authority; a rebellion; an abandonment or breach of faith.”
Apostasy is decisively turning away from the faith. An apostate is a person who once claimed to be a Christian but has irreversibly abandoned and renounced orthodox Christianity.
(Nagpahayag na Kristiyano)
(Tinataglay ang Pagiging Kristiyano)
-Psalms 34:8,1 Peter 2:3, 1 Cor. 13:1, 1 John 2:19
-Mat. 7:22-23
-Phil 1:6,John 10:27-30
-No commitment to others/God-Unstable Christian life-Dependent on someone and not on Christ-Spiritually asleep
April 15-Delia NamucoApril 17-Louie AbasApril 19-Mary Rose ParsasoApril 24-Carmela ParsasoApril 27-Ismael PatisuganApril 29-Espie De GuzmanApril 30- Nissa Patisugan
April 28-Pastor Celso and Sis. Hanny Namuco
•Jesus Christ Preached to the Crowd.•Jesus Christ Display His Miraculous Power.•Jesus Christ Called His Disciple.
•Jesus meets the requirements of a High Priest.•Jesus Obeyed His calling.•Jesus is the only way (source) of salvation.
•We can Serve. vv 12-18•We are Save. v.15•We can Share our Life's Testimony. v.16
- The Authority of Christ over sickness- The Authority of Christ over Demons.- The teaching of Christ about Kingdom of God.
We have a regular virtual fellowship via zoom, Wednesday at 8pm.
CHRIST STEWARDS FELLOWSHIP Libjo Central, Batangas City March 9, 2025 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒏: The Character and Conduct of an Effective Pastor 𝑻𝒆𝒙...