Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Temptation of Christ

Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
March 31,2022
The Temptation of Christ
Luke 4:1-13

The First Temptation of Christ 
    – the lust of the flesh. vv.2-4, Deuteronomy.8:3
The Second Temptation of Christ
    – Lust of the eyes. vv.5-8,Deuteronomy 6:16
The Third Temptation of Christ
    – The Pride of Life. vv.9-12, Deuteronomy 8:2

~Filled and lead by the Holy Spirit. v.1
~Be obedient to the will of God. vv. 2-3
~Be aware of the schemes of Satan (mixture of truth and Error.) vv. 5-7
~Grow in the word of God.

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